Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Fishing Goals - Personal Best

             It's a good idea to set some fishing goals every year. Small steps to improve on weaknesses, avoid complacency, and further yourself down the right path towards your "personal best". New techniques, places to go, things to aquire, numbers to surpass. Here's another example of a fishing goal and its benefits. 

Having a goal to "assist others", too often, is overlooked. When a fellow fisherman (stranger or friend) catches a nice fish, possibly the fish of their lifetime, take the time to offer any assistance they may need to document their expirience. 

Most of us carry a scale and camera, just in case we catch that trophy we're after. They may not be prepared (as you or I) for this occurrence. If needed, snap a good photo and weigh it for them. Explain the correct handling procedure to ensure a clean release. (See proper handling blog) This could be that persons "fish changing expirience" so lead by example. 

Taking the time to help another enjoy the fruits of their labor fishing, not only helps them, it helps the sport that we enjoy so much, ultimately effecting you in the process.

It will minimize the stress on the fish, by limiting time out of the water, for a better chance of survival.  (Preservation)

It helps a fellow fisherman to capture a precious moment they will carry with them for the rest of their life. (Etiquette)

It will help you gain insight on the circumstances surounding the trophy catch. (Knowledge)

Plus, it will help your fishing Karma by paying it forward, hopefully starting a positive ripple effect. (Influence)

Ones "personal best" goes well beyond a number to be achieved. Its what you do, how you live, and its how you will be remembered. 
Now that's a goal to fish for.