Thursday, August 13, 2015

Dry Erase Markers for Swimbaits

Dry Erase 

         To add touch of realism and contrast to swimbaits, without turning it into an arts and crafts project, use a red "Dry Erase" marker to suggest gills. By drawing a fine line along the gill plate, swimbaits can benefit from another layer of detail. What is better than the pipe cleaner gills is, if you screw up or just don't like the effect it can be wiped off and the bait is no worse for wear. Crazy Glue hardens and tears away from the soft surrounding portion of the bait, eventually ruining it. The Dry Erase can be done quickly right before use. 
A black Sharpie will color a Hudd a dark purple and offers a different "Night Stalker" look that the fish haven't seen. (Segregation is acceptable for Sharpie will bleed onto other baits)

Tip - Wake Baits and Ambush Spots

               Here is a great technique for fishing Wake Baits from shore. Cast parallel to the shoreline, as close to the bank as possible and keep moving about 1/4-1/2 your casting distance each time after the retrieve is completed. 

You're using the bank to offer structure for a predator to use to trap its prey. Doing this offers predators more incentive to pursue your bait, Increasing its temptation. Cast into the wind so your bait is traveling down with the current generated. 

Work your way down the bank and in smaller venues, around the entire lake. 
Note the types of structure, cover and shoreline which held fish for future reference. 

A stick, boulder or even trash like a car tire can offer a predictable detour for bait, and a predator to capitalize. Wake the bait as close as you can past these types of anomalies. Go slow so the bait struggles to swim. Periodic stops suggest that the bait is tiring or dying. 

After moving down the bank, every 2-3 casts, you can cast behind you, along the shoreline, to see if you missed any. 

It's rare that a wakebait is effective just randomly casting to open water. Offering a ambush or funnel spot is part of the equation to any lures success. Once you get the familiar with identifying ambush spots, you can look for deeper ones and fish it with baits that run at those levels, all the way to the bottom.

I've included a link to a video that demonstrates the technique with a S-Waver glide-bait. A wakebait is the best way to learn the effectiveness of the concept because you can see the action as it unfolds.

A nice post spawn bass that fell for a Live Target Pumpkinseed Wake Bait using this technique at night.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Improve Your Fishing Karma

          Confidence is huge. Misguided or not, confidence is an important factor when it comes to fishing. So this means that all fishermen are superstitious to an extent. That's why we ask "any luck?" Because without luck, it would mean we're just not good and that could never be the case. 
Now I'm the type of person whom without bad luck, I wouldn't have much luck at all. So if there's a reasonable way I might improve my luck, I'll do it. 

I have a secret tip on improving luck and I'll share it with you. I know others whom have adopted this ritual as well. Because let's face it, sometimes it's better to be lucky than good.

When I'm having a bad day fishing and feeling like I should have stayed in bed. Instead of acting like I'm never fishing again, I'll just call it a day and start to pick up spent fishing trash. Just grab a bag, (I try to always have one in my tackle) and fill it up and dispose of it properly. Its disgusting, I know, disgusting how quickly the bag is filled. 

People who fish with me know how much fishing trash bothers me. It's just so disrespectful it boggles the mind. In my lifetime of fishing, I'm sure I've created trash too. So I pick up more than my share. I also figure it's harder for people to litter in a clean place. It doesn't take long to notice the difference at your fishing spots either. 

Another added bonus is all the stuff you find. My buddy found a Roman Made Negotiator, another found a Deps 250, and I've found many Hudds and Damascus blade pocket knife that I still have and think is very cool. (Valued @ $200) 

I swear that it's almost guaranteed that you will "have luck" on the next outing. It all depends on what you already owe. 

Remember to give it a try and see for yourself what good fishing Karma can do. You already know what confidence can do.